What is ICHCA?
The International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association (ICHCA) is a membership organisation founded in 1952 dedicated to the promotion of efficiency and economy in the handling and movement of goods, from origin to destination, by all modes, and at all phases of the national and international transportation chain.
ICHCA is an independent, non-political and non-profit making association.
ICHCA is at the service of its members and the industry
ICHCA has an influential and international membership in more than 80 countries with a network of 11 National Sections to put you in direct contact with industry colleagues round the world.
ICHCA’s membership represents the largest cross section of senior corporate executives, leading consultants, academics and authorities in the world of cargo handling and transportation.
An international resource centre, providing management information and the exchange of technical data relating to methods and techniques in the industry while also assessing future trends and training needs.
ICHCA arranges opportunities for the membership to meet at an international, national and regional level at conferences, symposia, meetings, workshops and social occasions for the exchange of technical information and the generation of both formal and informal contacts.
ICHCA scans all relevant material - periodicals, newspapers, reports, surveys, papers - from worldwide sources to produce a series of ‘Abstracts’, copies of which are supplied on request.
Access to the ICHCA database at the International Secretariat for answering technical queries. This information pool is supplemented by the expertise held amongst the membership itself and material from all sources, submitted by members, is welcomed.
ICHCA produces publications for members including a bimonthly magazine with the latest cargo handling news, a who’s who in the industry, a buyer’s guide, an annual review of the year’s major events plus individual publications, gained from the research and study activities of the sub-committees, on a wide variety of issues and technical matters.
ICHCA participates in and monitors the activities of the regulatory bodies of government, non-governmental and inter-governmental status to ensure that the practical difficulties encountered by the membership are voiced at an early stage of discussion in the formulation of agreements, rules, regulations and laws.
ICHCA promotes policies and projects that will improve the efficiency and security of the physical handling of cargo in all modes from origin to user.